Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Our second transfer attempt was not successful. It was disappointing news but it did not put me in that temporary mental dark space like the first unsuccessful attempt did.

"C" was having great difficulty with the injections and medication so we have decided to pursue traditional surrogacy. That leaves me with two frozen embryos to use in the future.

Where are we now? Well, "C" ovulated some time between March 23 and 24 using OPKs - we did inseminations on March 24 and 25. Today is 17 dpo but no positive HPT. She also went in today for a beta test and that also came out as negative. The good news is that there are no signs that her period is coming. I did some research and there's a chance she's missed her period. "Many things can cause missed periods, including illness, stress, excessive exercise, and hormonal imbalances." Of course, we are crossing fingers that "C" is pregnant due to a late implanter.

Thank you for letting me share part of my world with you.

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