Thursday, April 12, 2007


Someone pinch me quick and hard! No words can truly express how I feel at this moment. Can it be possible? Do dreams really come true?

Yesterday, "C" took two HPTs and got a faint line both times. It was exciting - I had a big grin on my face but kept both feet on the ground since they could have been false positives. However, "C" went in for a beta test today and it was confirmed - she is PREGGO!!!!! Beta = 42.5 so we may get another beta early next week to see how things are progressing. Tomorrow, "C" will also make her first appointment for April - hopefully, she can schedule it for two weeks down the road. The heartbeat should be detected by then and I can come out for that.

I know it's still early but nonetheless it's exciting news. I know many things can happen (or not happen) moving forward but for now, I'm in ultimate bliss.

Thank you for letting me share part of my world with you.

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