Friday, September 15, 2006


Just 11 more sleeps until I fly out to Toronto to meet "C" and one more sleep after that before we finally meet the doctor to "get the party started" as they say. I hope any tests that "C" needs to complete can be done on the same day. We've completed all the testing we could on our end - it's all good with the results. After our consultation, we plan on having dinner with "D" so that will be exciting as well. "C" and I will fly back to our respective homes later that night.

All of this potentially could have been put on hold because "C" was having some work-related problems. However, she gave me the green light to go ahead and book the flights soon after. I have to admit I was a bit nervous and even "D" had resigned herself to a delay; however, it was actually a good hiccup for me personally. I came to the conclusion (not just logically but emotionally) that I will reach my destination when it's my time. Experiencing and truly believing this conclusion gave me a sense of inner peace. Given my personality, I will always think, anticipate, and plan but I have come to terms with how little control I have over my journey's destination. I need to live and enjoy the journey, appreciating each milestone, and allowing the destination to arrive when it's time. I know this will be easier said than done but I am well on my way.

On a side note, "D" thinks cycling may even start in October given how close her cycle is close to that of "C". This could mean a transfer in early November. How exciting is that? Things will become more clear after we have our consultation - again, it's all about appreciating each milestone rather than just focusing only on the destination. There isn't much to do now but wait. Time is truly flying by as I look back at my earlier posts.

Thank you for letting me share part of my world with you.

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