Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Woohoo! I called the clinic this morning but no pick-up. I tried a second time soon after and WOW - I got someone! I had the opportunity to book the consultation on September 20 but had an important strategic meeting out of town so selected September 27. We now have a target so let the countdown begin!

I've been emailing my surro- and IP-buddies getting more information so "C" and I can come to Toronto as prepared as possible. This means getting as much testing and screening done ahead of time. "C" has been great and shares my sense of urgency and determination. She will be visiting a doctor tomorrow to see if she can get all the testing done.

Tomorrow, I have a few more phone calls to make as well as look at booking flights for myself and "C". I have also advised "D" that we will be flying in. I'm excited to finally get to meet her - I first met her online a couple of years ago. She was also a GS to two IFs that I also got to know online.

It feels good that I am slowly but surely moving forward. I can see each phase ahead of me but try to remain focused on the current phase. I keep reminding myself, what's meant to be, will be.

Thank you for letting me share part of my world with you.

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