Sunday, August 19, 2012

Twiblings? Irish Twins?

As I plan on taking a full year off from work, it makes sense to pursue another baby during this pregnancy because (1) taking another year off in the future may not be positive for my career progression in the company, (2) it requires time to save money to take a full year off, (3) I will not take less than one year of leave, and (4) personally reaching my age limit for having more kids. Yes, it's more work but I am prepared for that.

17th Week

It's been a wonderful boring pregnancy so far. Next appointment is next week. For now, we are in the 17th week of the pregnancy. The baby may now be startled by loud noises - he or she weights more than the placenta. At this stage, the baby typically weighs 142 grams, which is roughly the same as 142 paper clips.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Baby is 15w0d today. Time is flying by. I visit "P" in a few weeks when we'll try to identify the gender of the baby. I'm still not sure if I want to know right now. I want to know before the birth but I'm considering holding a gender reveal party, in which I would find out the gender the same time as my guests. I also sent "P" a gender prediction kit. It's more for fun but why not try it and see how it compares to the ultrasound. The results indicate I will be having a boy. Either gender would be fine - healthy baby first and foremost.