Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We had the second ultrasound today and baby is measuring 8w3d with a "strong heartbeat". I will post the ultrasound photo once I have it scanned. Our next appointment is in four weeks so probably no updates until then. I'm hoping for a boring, uneventful pregnancy.

Monday, June 25, 2012


I have not disappeared - just super busy at work and being a single parent. I also am trying to keep up with my other blogs. Anyway, based on the photo, you may have already guessed that the transfer was successful. I am excited but have one foot on the ground since it's still early. On June 15, heart rate was 122 and baby measured 6w3d - the second ultrasound appointment is June 27. I was unable to attend on June 15 but will be there on June 27. Definitely surreal.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


"Slower than molasses going uphill in January" - patience has always been something I try to practice as well as positivity and perseverance. The latter two are way easier! To get me through the next year plus, I will make milestones for the pregnancy plus other life initiatives. Maybe time to re-focus on my health goals.

Saturday, June 09, 2012


I appreciate that there's something cool about waiting until the birth to find out if you're having a boy or girl but being the planner I am, I cannot wait. I'm hoping to schedule a private ultrasound when I'm out there for my surrogate's first appointment with her doctor. Do I have a preference? I thought I did but I really don't. There are efficiency and financial reasons why another boy makes sense given all the clothes I have. But I would be as happy with a daughter. Again, one week at a time.


... my name is (insert easy or not-so-easy baby name)! Of course, as each week passes, parents-to-be start thinking about names. It's really fun now because it can be a boy, girl, boys, girls, or one of each. The ultrasound will narrow number and then following ultrasounds will narrow down gender. Good thing my siblings and I don't have the same tastes in names. We also don't have traditions although I do think about my parents' names - either modifying them somehow or using them as middle names. One step at a time.


That is the number of weeks my sister is ahead of "P". My sister is 24 weeks today with her second child, another boy. "P" is 6 weeks today. I'm very happy for my sister and brother-in-law. As much as I am excited for myself, it's great watching one's siblings having kids. I suspect that I will share my news with my sister first but just not sure when.


"P" has been feeling exhausted lately. I'm sure having three kids and an evil boss contributes to that but she says it's possible since we transferred two embryos, the reason for her exhaustion could be twins. I will admit as much as I'm aware that would be a lot of work, I would be quite excited. Of course, they would be fraternal twins since they come from two separated embryos. My feeling is that it is just one and I'm very cool with that as well. We shall find out late next week at her first ultrasound.

Friday, June 08, 2012


First ultrasound is scheduled for Friday, June 15. Unfortunately, I will be out of town but "P" will send me the ultrasound photo.

I plan on attending the second one scheduled on Wednesday, June 27 as well as her first doctor's appointment in late July. I'm hoping she can reschedule it for early August so we can also schedule a gender ultrasound. Due date should be in February 2013.

Friday, June 01, 2012


Number is increasing - today the beta is 795! Very cool. Very exciting. No word on first ultrasound date.