Thursday, November 22, 2012

31st Week

30 weeks almost complete and heading into 31st week. Time is flying by fast! The little one has also turned and is very active. Work is busy as I prepare to go on leave. The house is pretty good - just need to continue organizing. In sum, I feel very blessed and cannot wait for the arrival of my daughter!

Friday, October 19, 2012

26th Week

We are heading into the 26th week of the pregnancy. All is well except my "P" has been ill and can't shake a nagging cough. Work continues to be extremely busy and I continue to prepare the home for baby #2. There's a lot to do right now but just trying to keep everything balanced to maintain my sanity! LOL! In reality, it's all good especially just returning from a fun one-week vacation with my son in the US. Third trimester is just around the corner!

Saturday, September 08, 2012

20th Week

Heading into the 20th week although ultrasound indicates the baby is ahead of schedule (i.e., it is measuring larger than age). At this time, the baby is steadily gaining weight and typically measures 6.5 inches from crown to rump. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance known as vernix caseosa begins to cover the baby and protects the skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. The baby is swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After the baby takes in amniotic fluid, the baby's body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel. I did find out gender but will leave that as a surprise for now!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Twiblings? Irish Twins?

As I plan on taking a full year off from work, it makes sense to pursue another baby during this pregnancy because (1) taking another year off in the future may not be positive for my career progression in the company, (2) it requires time to save money to take a full year off, (3) I will not take less than one year of leave, and (4) personally reaching my age limit for having more kids. Yes, it's more work but I am prepared for that.

17th Week

It's been a wonderful boring pregnancy so far. Next appointment is next week. For now, we are in the 17th week of the pregnancy. The baby may now be startled by loud noises - he or she weights more than the placenta. At this stage, the baby typically weighs 142 grams, which is roughly the same as 142 paper clips.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Baby is 15w0d today. Time is flying by. I visit "P" in a few weeks when we'll try to identify the gender of the baby. I'm still not sure if I want to know right now. I want to know before the birth but I'm considering holding a gender reveal party, in which I would find out the gender the same time as my guests. I also sent "P" a gender prediction kit. It's more for fun but why not try it and see how it compares to the ultrasound. The results indicate I will be having a boy. Either gender would be fine - healthy baby first and foremost.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We had the second ultrasound today and baby is measuring 8w3d with a "strong heartbeat". I will post the ultrasound photo once I have it scanned. Our next appointment is in four weeks so probably no updates until then. I'm hoping for a boring, uneventful pregnancy.

Monday, June 25, 2012


I have not disappeared - just super busy at work and being a single parent. I also am trying to keep up with my other blogs. Anyway, based on the photo, you may have already guessed that the transfer was successful. I am excited but have one foot on the ground since it's still early. On June 15, heart rate was 122 and baby measured 6w3d - the second ultrasound appointment is June 27. I was unable to attend on June 15 but will be there on June 27. Definitely surreal.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


"Slower than molasses going uphill in January" - patience has always been something I try to practice as well as positivity and perseverance. The latter two are way easier! To get me through the next year plus, I will make milestones for the pregnancy plus other life initiatives. Maybe time to re-focus on my health goals.

Saturday, June 09, 2012


I appreciate that there's something cool about waiting until the birth to find out if you're having a boy or girl but being the planner I am, I cannot wait. I'm hoping to schedule a private ultrasound when I'm out there for my surrogate's first appointment with her doctor. Do I have a preference? I thought I did but I really don't. There are efficiency and financial reasons why another boy makes sense given all the clothes I have. But I would be as happy with a daughter. Again, one week at a time.


... my name is (insert easy or not-so-easy baby name)! Of course, as each week passes, parents-to-be start thinking about names. It's really fun now because it can be a boy, girl, boys, girls, or one of each. The ultrasound will narrow number and then following ultrasounds will narrow down gender. Good thing my siblings and I don't have the same tastes in names. We also don't have traditions although I do think about my parents' names - either modifying them somehow or using them as middle names. One step at a time.


That is the number of weeks my sister is ahead of "P". My sister is 24 weeks today with her second child, another boy. "P" is 6 weeks today. I'm very happy for my sister and brother-in-law. As much as I am excited for myself, it's great watching one's siblings having kids. I suspect that I will share my news with my sister first but just not sure when.


"P" has been feeling exhausted lately. I'm sure having three kids and an evil boss contributes to that but she says it's possible since we transferred two embryos, the reason for her exhaustion could be twins. I will admit as much as I'm aware that would be a lot of work, I would be quite excited. Of course, they would be fraternal twins since they come from two separated embryos. My feeling is that it is just one and I'm very cool with that as well. We shall find out late next week at her first ultrasound.

Friday, June 08, 2012


First ultrasound is scheduled for Friday, June 15. Unfortunately, I will be out of town but "P" will send me the ultrasound photo.

I plan on attending the second one scheduled on Wednesday, June 27 as well as her first doctor's appointment in late July. I'm hoping she can reschedule it for early August so we can also schedule a gender ultrasound. Due date should be in February 2013.

Friday, June 01, 2012


Number is increasing - today the beta is 795! Very cool. Very exciting. No word on first ultrasound date.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


So we got the results of the first beta today: 299! So far so good - the second beta will be on Friday! My surrogate, "P", and I are very excited. Based on this number, I'm going to guess a singleton although I would be fine with twins as well. I would feel very blessed either way. Friday cannot come soon enough!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It's incredible that so much time has passed since my last post. It seems like an eternity has passed since Friday, April 27, 2007.

I am the proud father of a handsome 4-year-old son. He was born on December 13, 2007. No words can express how blessed I am - my dreams came true and I am forever grateful to "C" for helping me become a parent. I absolutely love being a parent - it is truly my calling.

But why am I back? Well, after a long and challenging road, I am hoping to grow my family. As mentioned in a previous post, I had two frozen embryos remaining. With the help of "P", we transferred both on May 16, 2012 and with the use of pregnancy tests, we are pregnant. "P" is having her first beta test tomorrow and a second beta test on Friday.

I am still in disbelief. I am very happy but remain quite grounded, knowing that we are at the beginning. I truly believe things that are meant to be will be and things happen for a reason. We shall see what tomorrow brings. It's all very exciting.