The clinic finally communicated some dates for the egg retrieval and embryo transfer!
"C" started her meds on Friday, October 27 and "D" will start her meds on Friday, November 17. If all goes according to plan, egg retrieval will be on Tuesday, December 5 (which is also my brother's birthday) with embryo transfer on Friday, December 8. I will most likely arrive the day before egg retrieval and leave on Sunday, December 10 to keep "C" company before she flies back home. The clinic recommends not flying the day after transfer.
I hope Christmas will be extra-special this year. "C" should be able to get a blood test completed prior to Christmas. Friday, December 22 will be two weeks from transfer.
I also had a great psychological session - the clinic requires this of myself as well as "C" and "D". It's more like a counselling session than an evaluation, to ensure all parties are prepared for the journey. Since "C" has been a surrogate before, "D" has been a surrogate twice before and a previous egg donor, and I'm very aware of what this journey entails, it's more for the clinic from a legal perspective.
The psychologist was wonderful and less expensive than the one the clinic uses. I also took something away from the session. She said to be hopeful and excited - to enjoy the journey. She said there's nothing I can do to protect myself if things don't go according to plan. I always kept one foot on the ground but she is right - no matter if I keep one, both, or none, I will be disappointed and sad if a pregnancy does not result in December. So given that, I've decided to let myself hope for, get excited about, and celebrate what can be!
Thank you for letting me share part of my world with you.