Sunday, March 17, 2013

Long Overdue Update

The time since my last update has gone by very quickly. So what has happened? I am the proud father of a beautiful, healthy, and happy baby girl. She was born Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 12:52 am, weighing 7 lbs 5 oz, and measuring 20.5 inches. She was three weeks early and would have been around 10 lbs like her big brother. My daughter is now 2 months old and all is well.

Her big brother is doing well as expected - he is so laid back, helpful, and independent. Right now, I am enjoying my time off from work being a parent to two but I do hope to have a third child down the road. We shall see what the future holds. It will probably be a while before I continue with my posts - life is happily busy. Thanks for following!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

31st Week

30 weeks almost complete and heading into 31st week. Time is flying by fast! The little one has also turned and is very active. Work is busy as I prepare to go on leave. The house is pretty good - just need to continue organizing. In sum, I feel very blessed and cannot wait for the arrival of my daughter!

Friday, October 19, 2012

26th Week

We are heading into the 26th week of the pregnancy. All is well except my "P" has been ill and can't shake a nagging cough. Work continues to be extremely busy and I continue to prepare the home for baby #2. There's a lot to do right now but just trying to keep everything balanced to maintain my sanity! LOL! In reality, it's all good especially just returning from a fun one-week vacation with my son in the US. Third trimester is just around the corner!